Available in Studio
Archives - Oil
Archives - Watercolor
OSU Library
Railroad Museum





Available Artwork in Studio

For purchase information, contact Sonya@SonyaTerpening.com

"New Shoes"
19" X 25"   
Transparent Watercolor


Limited Edition Giclee available

exclusively through the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum.

"A Kiss of Light"   
40" x 30"
Oil on Linen


24" x 30"
Oil on Linen


"Fountain Allende"   
24" x 30"
Oil on Linen

"A Sacred Place"   
24" x 30"
Oil on Linen

"Fountain at San Miguel"   
16" x 20"
Oil on Linen

  12" x 9" 
Oil on Linen Panel

36" x 27"
Transparent Watercolor


"Taking It All In"   
30" x 20"
Oil on Cotton


"Giving Thanks"   
20" x 28"
Transparent Watercolor


"The Spring in Fall"   
30" x 24"
Oil on Linen


"Sun Lit"   
30" x 20"
Oil on Linen


"Taos Back Road"   
24" x 30"
Oil on Linen


"A Glorious Moment"   
30" x 40"
Oil on Linen


"A Grand Evening"   
24" x 30"
Oil on Linen


"Evening Storm at Ghost Ranch"   
18" x 24"
Oil on Linen


"Last Light"   
24" x 30"
Oil on Linen


"Talking It Over"   
16" x 20"
Oil on Linen

"What's the Plan"   
28" x 20"
Transparent Watercolor


"C'mon! Supper's Waiting"
30" x 40"   Oil on Linen

"Showing the Ropes"
36" x 36"
Oil on Linen

"Final Touches"
28" x 20"
Transparent Watercolor

"The Guardian"   
10" x 8"
Oil on Linen Panel

12" x 9"
Oil on Linen Panel


16" x 12"
Oil on Linen Panel


"Little Fox"   
16" x 12"
Oil on Linen Panel


"Sorghum Stacks"   
18" x 24"
Oil on Linen


"Pecking Order"
20" x 28"
Transparent Watercolor

"Wash Day"   
18" x 16"
Transparent Watercolor


"A Touch of Red"   
19" x 13"
Transparent Watercolor


"Taos Hacienda"
28" X 20"  
Transparent Watercolor

"Cafe Couple"   
24" x 18"
Oil on Linen


"Waiting on the Shade"
  16" x 20" 
Oil on Linen

"Li'l Dipper"
30" X 36"  
  Oil on Linen

"At the Dock"
24" X   18"
Oil on Linen

"Let in the Light"
18" X 24"
Oil on Linen

"Sunday House Flowers"
16" X 12"    Oil on Panel

"Hill Country Spring"
  24" x 30" 
Oil on Linen

"San Ildefonso"
18" X 24"   
Transparent Watercolor

"Sister's Secrets"
30" X 40"    Oil on Linen

"Gathering In"
24" X 30"    Oil on Linen

"Little Mommie"   
24" x 30"   
 Oil on Linen

For additional work see Galleries pages.

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